The Steel City Riders MX and Off Road Series events are open to active 2024 members in good standing only.
Step 1: Select CLASS ENTRY PURCHASE - the total number of classes you and/or your family members will be racing. This is a one time selection per event. Family entries must choose the TOTAL number of classes your family is entering but you must register each racer to the RACE CLASS separately.
Step 2: Select RACE CLASS/ES of only the first rider or individual. Proceed to the payment page and pay. Family entries see Step 3. Single riders only do this once and the RACE CLASS/ES must match the amount paid.
Step 3: Families - If you are a 'family-qualified membership' entering two or more racers, register one rider first with that rider's specific RACE CLASS/ES and complete the registration and one time payment. After payment is processed, select REGISTER ANOTHER RACER at the bottom of the registration confirmation page. Register the second racer, and so on, but DO NOT choose a CLASS ENTRY PURCHASE again since the amount was paid with the first rider already, only choose their RACE CLASS and info.
**If by chance you register and realize you forgot to pay, simply sign back in, select only your CLASS ENTRY PURCHASE option and RACER INFO - do not choose RACE CLASS again since it'll already be in the system and will not allow duplicates. **Only paid entries will be registered to race.